You can find our most Frequently Asked Questions regarding Summer 2021. Questions are divided into the following categories: COVID-19 Questions, Program Policy (Program adjustments for 2021, Camper eligibility for programs, etc.), Policy Questions (i.e. Cancellation Policies, Wait lists, etc.).

We understand that as guidelines and policies change, our approach to different aspects of Summer 2021 will shift and change as well. Please know that this is a living page that we will continue to update in addition to communicating changes as they happen with our enrolled families.

Please see if any of your questions are answered here. If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email, or via phone, 303.316.6384.

COVID-19 Questions

What will COVID-19 precautions look like in Summer 2021?

We will follow the guidance of local, state, and federal government, opting to adhere to the strictest guidelines to ensure that we are keeping our campers and staff safe. 

We are following the Colorado COVID-19 Guidelines for summer camps (released June 4, 2020). This has caused us to reduce our capacity for next summer. We have reduced the number of campers per bunk, eliminated multiple mini camps per session (only offering one mini camp per session right now), and not opening Baktanna (“Taste of” session at the end of the summer). We will continue to monitor any changes in guidelines and adjust cabin capacities as we are able.

We are also using the American Camping Association Field Guide (released October 21, 2020) as a resource for making sure Summer 2021 is as safe as possible.

We are using the Colorado guidelines and the ACA Field Guide to help us assess each space and program at camp to make any COVID-19 safety adjustments. As we get closer to Summer 2021, we will be sure to communicate what the updated health & safety policies will be for all aspects of camp (i.e. mask wearing, sanitizing measures, etc.)

We know COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines are constantly changing. What happens as these changes impact Summer 2021?

We anticipate as COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines change on the local, state, and federal level. We know that these changes will inevitably impact our Summer 2021 plans. We commit to communicating with you in a timely and transparent manner about all aspects of Summer 2021 including, but not limited to, dates, rates, finances, program structure, etc.

What are Colorado’s current COVID-19 restrictions?

We encourage all families to stay up-to-date on all COVID-19 restrictions. Many of our families are out of state. The best way to stay up-to-date on Colorado’s restrictions is the Colorado COVID-19 webpage.

What will Drop Off and Pick Up procedures look like for Summer 2021?

We anticipate as COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines change on the local, state, and federal level that our Drop Off and Pick Up procedures will look different for Summer 2021. We will keep our community updated as we have more information. If you have any questions now, please contact us directly via email.

Will my camper be required to wear a mask at camp?

Yes, masks will be a part of camp this summer! We will most likely be following a “rule of three”: masks, distanced, and outdoors. We will do at least two if not three of these wherever we are on camp. There will be spaces where your camper can remove their mask and spaces where masks are required. We are working on finalizing what the exact details will be for the summer and anticipate it will change as our current situation changes.

Are there any activities my camper won't be able to do this summer?

As of right now, we are planning on running all of our activity areas. We are making any necessary adjustments to make them covid-safe. We will follow our new “rule of three”: masks, distanced, and outdoors. Our activity areas will follow at least two, if not all three of these.

The only program time we have currently changed are chuggim (choice activities). We are hopeful that this summer campers will get to choose cabin chuggim instead of individual chuggim so we can maintain the sanctity of our pods. Our goal is to allow campers to still have some autonomy over their day while doing it in a covid-safe manner.

As we get closer to summer, we may need to make more adjustments to programs area. As changes occur, we will communicate with our community promptly.

What will be required of campers and their families prior to camp?

We are still in the process of finalizing what will be required for campers and their families leading up to camp. We are making these decisions based on the CDC and Colorado State guidelines for COVID-19.

Prior to camp, we ask that families focus on…

  • Washing hands often, avoiding close contact for people outside of their household, and wearing a face mask when out in public.
  • In the 14 days leading up to a camper’s arrival, families should try as much as possible to be at home and limit contact with people outside of their household.

We will likely require testing for campers prior to arrival at camp. We have not made a final decision on these testing requirements and our decisions will be informed by guidance from the CDC, Colorado State licensure guidelines, and Colorado State Health Department regulations (CDPHE). As we make these decisions, we will communicate them with our community promptly.

What will you be requiring for staff this summer?

Staff will be following the same arrival protocols that will be set for campers (i.e. testing, face mask wearing, etc.). In addition, we anticipate having staff quarantine at camp during staff training before camps arrive for the summer, starting as early as May 16.

We will likely be requiring testing for staff at the beginning and throughout the summer. As we get closer to camp, we will finalize these procedures. We have not made a final decision on these testing requirements and our decisions will be informed by guidance from the CDC, Colorado State licensure guidelines, and Colorado State Health Department regulations (CDPHE). As we make these decisions, we will communicate them with our community promptly.

We are in the process of evaluating all of the precautions we can take with our staff this summer making sure that we are maintaining a covid-safe environment.

Who will my camper interact with over the summer?

We are anticipating campers will have tiered levels of interaction across camp. Here is our current vision for “podding” this summer. This may change before the summer. We will communicate changes with our community promptly.

Primary Pod: Camper’s cabin group (i.e. 5th grade banot)

  • Campers will spend the majority of their day with their cabin group. In this group, they will rotate around to activities in the morning and choose afternoon chuggim (choice activities).

Secondary Pod: Campers’ age group (i.e. 5th grade)

  • Same grade cabins will get to spend additional time together, whether at morning activity or at chuggim. This will allow campers to maintain and develop connections with their peers.

Tertiary Pod: Camper’s unit (i.e. Metapism-5th/6th grade unit)

  • Units will serve as the “all-camp” space this summer. We will be attending meals by unit and participating in unit evening programs. Units will allow campers to interact with campers in different ages and build normal camp relationships.

We are assessing if we will be able to do any all-camp programming or if our largest program groups will be units. We will make these determinations as we get closer to camp. Again, this vision may shift and change as we get closer to camp. As changes are made, we will communicate with our community promptly.

What will testing for campers and staff look like this summer?

We will likely be requiring staff and campers to be tested prior to arrival at camp. What these procedures look like will be determined by the current situation.

As we get closer to camp, we will finalize these procedures. We have not made a final decision on these testing requirements and our decisions will be informed by guidance from the CDC, Colorado State licensure guidelines, and Colorado State Health Department regulations (CDPHE). As we make these decisions, we will communicate them with our community promptly.

Program Questions

What tiyul (trip) will my camper be eligible for in Summer 2021?

As a result of not being able to run Summer 2020, we are very flexible with our Tiyulim (trips) grades for next summer. We want campers to participate in the program they would like next year, whether that is TASC or Teen Village. Campers can make individual decisions or can communicate with their 2020 cohort and make a decision collectively. Please view the Tiyulim FAQs for specific Tiyulim information.

Will Session 2 Tracks run next summer?

As a result of COVID-19 guidelines, we may or may not be able to run our Track Programs. We intend to run our Track Programming as usual during Session 2, however, at this point we lack sufficient guidelines to determine if we are able to mix cohort groups (i.e.. cabin groups). We will communicate with families if we are able to run Tracks during Session 2 or if it will be a Traditional program like Sessions 1 and 3.

Will Baktanna run next summer?

As a result of COVID-19 guidelines, we may not be able to run Baktanna 2021. Registration for Baktanna is currently not open. We will keep our community updated as we have more information.

Policy Questions

What is Ranch Camp’s 2021 Cancellation Policy?

You can find our Cancellation Policy (as outlined below) on the Ranch Camp website.

The JCC Ranch Camp has a 24-hour cancellation policy. If you need to cancel for any reason within 24 hours of registering, you will receive a full refund.

Cancellations made between… Refund…
October 12 – March 1 Refund of payments made minus the $250 non-refundable deposit per camper, per session
March 2 – March 31 Refund 75% of payments made minus the $250 non-refundable deposit per camper, per session
April 1 – April 30 Refund 50% of payments made minus the $250 non-refundable deposit per camper, per session
May 1 – May 31 Refund 25% of payments made minus the $250 non-refundable deposit per camper, per session
After June 1 Not eligible for refund

To cancel your registration please contact Allison Marshall via email. Include your name, your campers full name, and the camp session and dates your camper is registered for. You will receive an email confirmation upon cancellation.

What happens if Ranch Camp should have to cancel Summer 2021 due to COVID-19 again?

If Ranch Camp should have to cancel Summer 2021, we will refund all tuition paid to date minus the $250 non-refundable deposit per camper, per session.

If my camper is on a wait list, what can I expect?

Since we have reduced our capacity next summer due to COVID-19 guidelines, we expect that our wait lists will not shift and move as quickly as they have in past summers. We will communicate with you as we see the lists shifting and moving. If you are interested in checking the availability of other sessions, we are happy to talk with you and see if we can make a session switch for you!